Thursday, March 6, 2008

Toothbrush rugs: Pictures, and what I've been up to lately

ABOVE: Hilde on the famous "50s rug" - I've paused it at 24", but thanks to recent aquisitions (see below) I have enough similar materials to make several such. So if you'd like to buy one, or make one yourself, let me know!

In terms of making them... not a whole lot. But I have been getting in lots of GREAT new material for them, such that I could probably make 4 or 5 more rugs like the beautiful "50s rug" from earlier posts.

I've also found a nearby charity to which I can take useable clothes, and I'm very glad of that. I'm as passionate about recycling and environmentalism as I am about the rugs, so it just breaks my heart to think of good clothes going to an ignominius and eternal tomb in landfills when people need clothes or could make rugs from them.

Any ruggers in Chicago area... if you need material, let me know, we're overflowing with it now!

And I'm still looking for someone who would like to finish that dear old lady's dream of using hosiery to make a rug!

Here's some pictures of various projects I've taken the last few months.

The blanket rug against a fairly neutral background

This shows my blanket rug sitting on a complimentary color which I may use to make a similar rug, in this project, etc. The artistic possibilities are endless and exciting!

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